Multi-stakeholder cooperation & collaborative innovation for the healthcare system
Let’s try to imagine healthcare in 2030!
Life expectancy approaches, and even exceeds 90 years old. The people over 59, also known as the Baby Boom generation, represent 29% of the population, and the chronic conditions entail clinical and behavior issues. Thanks to collaborative innovation, telemedicine is more accessible, and the use of surgical robots has become a common practice in more than 15% of the procedures. It’s even possible to replicate organs in 3D, or t design prostheses with this process. More importantly, the citizen patients have become e-patients, educated with the Internet. They have taken power, require attention and acknowledgement. They compare and recommend (or not) hospitals, doctors, medicines… on social media.
Created by the IES, Institut Esprit Service – Spirit of Service Institute, in the form of a Think Tank, the Future of Health LAB, co-chaired by Catherine Livernet, met once again on January 29, at the Medef. Almost 30 witnesses and 400 participants from companies and administrations of the academic and scientific communities, and from professional organizations, came to present their views, to discuss the health ecosystem for the next 20 years.
A debate-meeting to implement dynamics in the healthcare system, place the patient at the core of its ecosystem and rethink new models of collaborative innovation, in order to interconnect the stakeholders throughout the patient’s pathway.
What are the new economic and collaborative models emerging to support the development of collaborative innovation?
To cope with the inevitable evolution of the healthcare system, the companies and public stakeholders must look to external partners, to come up with new ideas and imagine new models together. Collaborative innovation is a major part of the development, to imagine these new models. For instance, Alain Coulomb, President of Coopération Santé (an association which promotes cooperation between health professionals, patient associations and health stakeholders), demonstrated the benefits of the exchange and of “working together”, to improve the collaboration between all the stakeholders of the healthcare chain, and the efficiency of the system.
It’s also the case for Catherine Livernet, President of Cymbio, a partner of By.O Group, which supports private and public companies in the development of innovative activities. She offered her expertise on the efficiency of an ecosystem related to the development and innovation lines of companies. When our current models lean on activity indicators, the future models must drive to the achievement of healthcare results, thanks to the coordination and cooperation of a variety of stakeholders within the same pathway.
Why is a reorganization of the healthcare system vital and indispensable?
This reorganization will be essential by 2030, to turn it into a virtuous, flexible ecosystem, combining health and social, public and private institutions, patients, associations, academic communities, companies…
To redesign the healthcare ecosystem, the Future of Health LAB of the Institut Esprit Service highlighted 5 broad guidelines:
To place the human being at the core of the healthcare experience
To think about innovation in healthcare and incorporate societal, technological and experiential breakdowns, to accelerate the transformations of the healthcare stakeholders
To expand the precise knowledge of the patients’ health, thanks to digital technology and the implementation of health prevention policies, through the creation of healthcare platforms
To amplify plural and international cooperation, between public and private institutions, to accelerate the changes of our healthcare ecosystem, and to strengthen it at European scale
To rethink the economic and collaborative healthcare models, areas and future businesses, with prospective intelligence.
In 2030, healthcare will still be a wealth creator industry in France, with almost 14% of the GDP. If they put the 2.0 patient at the core of the system, the initiatives in collaborative innovation will constitute a real lever of competitiveness and success.
Sources: – Publication “ SANTE 2030 vers de nouveaux modèles économiques et collaboratifs” (HEALTH 2030 towards new economic and collaborative models) from the IES’ HEALTH LAB.