Public purchase training: 550 buyers trained by our team and certified by the CIPS!

Our team is proud to celebrate the 550 public buyers trained since March 2020 thanks to our public purchase training program! This program is designed and delivered by By.O Group for the French State Purchasing Department (DAE)! Participants benefit from certification by our partner CIPS at levels 1 and/or 2.

An event organized by the French State Purchasing Department (DAE)

On June 30, the DAE organized a webinar in honor of all the award-winning buyers. These buyers come from all ministries, decentralized government departments and public establishments.

Over 170 buyers attended. Numerous speakers also came to hail the success of this DAE public purchasing training program.

This public purchasing training program is designed and run by By.O Group for the French State Purchasing Department (DAE). Beneficiaries are public purchasers from different departments at all levels of the State. The program alternates between :

  • training
  • assessment of achievement
  • application of purchasing tools and techniques

We would like to congratulate all the certified buyers on their success, and also on their commitment to this certification program.

Public purchase training to help the function mature

Through this DAE training program run by By.O Group, our team contributes to the development and sustainability of purchasing skills within public organizations. Increasing the maturity of the purchasing function in the public sector has become key. In the current context, public spending is becoming increasingly important.

Thanks to Michel Grévoul and Mahfoud Baradi of DAE, and their teams. Thanks also to the Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique (IGPDE) for their confidence. Last but not least, congratulations to our Associate Director in charge of our Consulting activities, Matthieu Magné, for steering this program.