New perspectives: what place for purchasing strategies tomorrow?

The Consulting Group By.O and the SaaS editor Per Angusta, both recognized experts in transformation and digitalization of Purchasing, are launching this month a large study targeting the future of Purchasing strategies.

study targeting the future of Purchasing strategies

Our project:

 The traditional approach of Purchasing strategies appears more and more out of steps with the new strategic stakes emerging within our businesses and organizations. From its place and purposes to its related functions, skills and tools, our white paper will focus on the transformations of Purchasing strategies, within a context of emergence of new challenges

Today, in the light of our aim, we are asking for the participation of professionals whose functions are directly linked with the elaboration of Purchasing strategies.

Why participate in this study?

  • Your results will be exploited to establish the current state and evolutions perspectives of the Purchasing professional community, in terms of strategy.
  • You will receive the resulting white paper, as a token of gratitude. This report will present the conclusions of our study, with the aim of feeding your thinking on the future perspectives of Purchasing strategies, along with the transformations to lead and its facilitating tools.
  • You will also be offered the opportunity to participate in various events related to the restitution and release of our study.

How can you contribute?

Please contact @: to participate in an interactive with our teams


Fill a 15’ online survey through this link:

Your contribution to this study can be anonymous.

We are looking forward to your participation and thank you in advance.

By.O Group X Per Angusta teams