About us > Our partners
Our partners
As a consulting firm specialized in B2B relationships, we believe in the power of partnerships. We are used to working with trusted organizations to mutually enrich our knowledge.

CIPS (Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply)
CIPS is the leading professional organization for the promotion and development of best practice within the Purchasing function worldwide. It has 64,000 members in 180 countries. Its members can follow a continuous professional training program and obtain a certification for the acquisition of their skills.
Since 2017, CIPS has granted By.O Group the market exclusivity in France, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg. Our firm is thus the only one authorized to offer CIPS-certified training programs, guaranteeing international recognition of the skills acquired by the teams who follow our training programs.
EcoLearn is a training organization specializing in sustainability. Its founders considered that knowledge about sustainability was poorly disseminated in business. They think traditional training is too theoretical, and that teaching methods are generally not adapted to a target group of working professionals. The idea is to create a new “school” for teaching sustainable development skills.
While EcoLearn was initially aimed at corporate CSR departments, we have joined forces in 2023 to extend these sustainability training courses to Purchasing departments. Indeed, the role of buyers is key to initiating change within the company and encouraging suppliers to make the environmental transition. In particular by decarbonizing their business. This partnership will enable us to provide our respective clients with new, complementary skills that fully meet today’s environmental and climate challenges.

CNA (Conseil National des Achats)
The CNA is France’s oldest Purchasing network, founded in 1944. The CNA’s mission is to support and unite purchasing professionals to meet the challenges facing the function, improve supplier relations, and establish ethical working standards with other business units. It co-created and is responsible for the governance of the Responsible Purchasing and Supplier Relations Label (RFAR).
The CNA represents a network of 22,000 purchasing professionals, and organizes numerous events throughout France, including the Universités des Achats, a flagship event which attracts over 1,500 participants to Paris every year.
By.O Group is a long-standing partner of the CNA. We contributed to its reorganization and development. Today, we regularly host events as speakers or sponsors, to contribute together to the animation and emulation of the purchasing ecosystem.
ADRA (Association des Directeurs et Responsables des Achats)
L’ADRA est une association fondée en 2002 qui repose sur le modèle d’un club collaboratif exclusivement réservé aux Directeurs et Responsables des Achats du privé et du public. Elle compte plus de 100 membres représentant une quarantaine de secteurs d’activité.
L’ADRA a été pensée comme un espace privilégié de dialogue entre pairs afin d’échanger les bonnes pratiques mutuelles. Des évènements sont régulièrement organisés pour animer le club, notamment les Jeudis de l’ADRA, lors desquels des intervenants extérieurs viennent apporter leur expertise.
By.O Group est heureux de soutenir le développement de l’ADRA en participant à leurs évènements, et en rencontrant régulièrement un certain nombre de leurs membres. Fin 2022, notre cabinet était d’ailleurs partenaire de la Soirée des 20 ans de l’association !